Friday 28 March 2014

Week 1 - A New Starting Point

Hello everyone, this is the start of my new blog for a new game in development, currently untitled.

I have been developing a maze type game for my module Web Games Development, the game is currently very basic with character movement and the first level being the only things in the game at the moment.

In order to create this game I have used one of the labs available on the module site as a starting point, I would link it but anyone outside my class and the lecturer cannot see it. This lab has allowed me to create the basic maze layout and spawning of the character. I have then proceeded with the game adding character movement and making the code more manageable for later in the game's development.

This post is quite short I know but with other modules going on I was unable to proceed further than this in terms of this game's development. Later blogs should be more in depth with much more work going on but for now I will say farewell.

          Stephen McCallum, B00210956