Wednesday 17 April 2013

Game Project: Creating Game Week 10

Hey everyone, I've finally done the credits, it does seems that the easiest tasks are left til last, guess they are the most boring. Quick screen shot! BLAM!

Heheh... anyway... After this version of the credits was finished we decided it would be best if they were not used in the beta test version, as they are incomplete. Some people have been left out as I couldn't remember the names of the people we had to thank and such, but this version of the credits will be looked upon once the game in being finished over the summer.

Down to the major points now... THE GAME IS FINSIHED! or at least the Alpha/Beta version, (depending on who you ask) is finished. We were also able to get time with some of the animation students in our university to play test the game. We actually got some good feedback how nice of them right? Anyway we have uploading the feedback data to our site assessments page as well as some other stuff.

I will stop myself from posting any images of the game until next week as after the feedback we would like to make some minor improvements so WAIT TIL THEN!!! muahahahahaa...

Thanks for reading, Stephen out...

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